And with that we were released into the wild for an hour and a half to collect first hand research of environments, in this case, buildings around Manchester.
My initial thought were to try and create a fairly realistic looking environment photo of a building during say a post apocalyptic war? Maybe not necessarily post apocalyptic, but I think it'd be interesting to completely change the scenario that a building is in and I also think it'd be really cool if people could recognise the building I've used as well.
With that here are all the photos I took with stunning iPhone quality (sarcasm)
Manchester definitely has some great architecture within it, although I never saw any real potential in any of them as I felt that they were just a little bit too dull and I didn't want to paint just a building.
So for the project I chose this picture as my main reference.
I felt that it was an interesting photo with lots of activity and also showed off a lot of the Printworks building and I can easily imagine some survivors huddling around a fire in a barrel with a little checkpoint at the junction in the road as well and possibly at night time or dusk with blues and oranges.
Here I have also reconstructed the scene using Google SketchUp where I've also added a couple of wholes in the building as well as the checkpoint and a couple of barricades. This will greatly help me with the painting as it'll act as a very useful template although there are a few things I will still edit when it comes to painting, namely the height of the lamp posts.
And this is what I will actually be painting over for this project.
Now I am well aware of a certain post apocalyptic piece of Printworks that someone has already done which I will surely look at for tips and some influence, although if I'm honest I see this piece as a rival piece rather than inspiration so hopefully I'll be motivated to create a superior piece.
It is very good though so we'll see how my piece fairs against it.